I wasn't really in the letter writing mood today to be honest, but it felt like something I was supposed to do. For one thing, I knew I needed to tell my sponsored girl about my trip to Colorado before I forgot too many of the details. When I sat down to write I felt no enthusiasm. I wrote "Dear N., How are you?" and no more words would come to mind. I realized what was wrong. I had to picture my sponsored girl as the real person she is, getting my letter in the middle of a real day in her life. It's hard to write to someone when you don't understand how they live and can't imagine the context in which your words will be read. Then I did a search in YouTube and found these videos:
I caught a few Bengali words in the first video ("khub bhalo"), and couldn't get enough of the everyday scenes of Bangladesh in the second. (That YouTube user has a whole bunch of shorter clips from her trip too). I loved seeing the footage of the Compassion Bangladesh headquarters and the room where the letters are translated. My letters have been there!
What did I write this time? I greeted her as always and told her I hope her family is safe and well. I told her I hung her picture on the wall by the door and that I remember her every time I go in and out. Then I told her all about my trip to Colorado (well, select parts of the trip.) I wanted her to be able to picture where I was, so the three pictures I included were of the mountains and cacti, and I explained what was in each picture, pointing out how the cactus is prickly and how the dirt in Colorado is red. Then I shared a few of the things I did with my grandparents- like learning to play the Native American flute with my grandpa, and receiving heirloom handmade blankets from my grandma and going to church with her. I have some photo prints of my whole family including my grandparents, and us with our cousins, but I'm sending those separately. I'm a little disorganized this time around, but I was too impatient to wait to send everything together. So there will be a July letter #2. I remembered after I submitted the letter today that I had wanted to tell her about the way God kept my family safe as we drove home in a terrible, tornado-producing storm. That story has to go in there too!